Basic Out of Office Message for Maternity Leave

Getting ready to welcome a new bundle of joy and need a break from those endless office emails? Let's craft an out of office message for your maternity leave that's clear, friendly, and to the point. Just copy, paste, and relax while you await your baby's arrival! ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ถ

  • Hi there! I'm out on maternity leave until [return date]. For immediate assistance, please contact [alternate contact name] at [alternate contact email]. ๐ŸŒท
  • Thank you for your email. I'm currently on maternity leave and will not be checking emails until [return date]. For urgent matters, please reach out to [alternate contact person]. ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿผ
  • Hello! I'm on maternity leave and will be back to work on [return date]. Your email is important to me, and I'll respond as soon as possible upon my return. ๐Ÿ“†
  • Greetings! Iโ€™m currently away on maternity leave until [return date]. For any pressing issues, please email [alternate email] in my absence. ๐Ÿ’Œ
  • Auto-reply: Thank you for your message! I am out on maternity leave and will be returning on [return date]. Please direct immediate concerns to [alternate contact person]. ๐Ÿ“ฌ
  • Out of Office: Maternity leave in progress! Iโ€™ll be back and responding to emails starting [return date]. If you need help while Iโ€™m out, contact [alternate contact name]. ๐Ÿฃ
  • Thank you for your email. Please note I am on maternity leave until [return date]. If your message requires a response, please redirect it to [alternate email]. ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ
  • Hello, thank you for reaching out. I am currently out of the office on maternity leave. Please expect a delay in response. If urgent, contact [alternate contact person]. โณ
  • Currently cuddling a newborn! I'm on maternity leave until [return date]. Please forward any urgent queries to [alternate email or phone number]. ๐Ÿ’ž
  • Out on maternity leave! Please refer to [alternate contact person] at [alternate email] for assistance during my absence until [return date]. ๐ŸŒผ
  • Hey there! I'm off duty for baby time until [return date]. For anything that can't wait, [alternate contact person] will be your go-to! ๐Ÿผ
  • On maternity leave I go! I will be out of the office until [return date]. If you need immediate assistance, email [alternate email]. ๐Ÿ‘‹
  • Thanks for your email. I'm taking a break to welcome my new baby and will return on [return date]. Please contact [alternate contact person] for any urgent needs. ๐ŸŽˆ
  • Taking time off to be with my little one! I'm on maternity leave until [return date]. If you need support in my absence, please reach out to [alternate contact person]. ๐Ÿ’•
  • Out of office notice: On maternity leave from now until [return date]. Please get in touch with [alternate contact name] for assistance. ๐Ÿ“
  • Hello! I'm on leave for my maternity until [return date]. Should you need immediate assistance, please reach out to [alternate contact email]. ๐Ÿšผ
  • Currently on maternity leave. Will be back at work and answering emails by [return date]. Please direct urgent inquiries to [alternate contact person]. ๐Ÿป
  • Out of Office: Enjoying baby snuggles! I'll respond to your email when I'm back on [return date]. For help, please email [alternate contact name]. ๐ŸŽ€
  • Auto-response: Maternity leave in effect until [return date]. For pressing matters, please contact [alternate email]. Thank you! ๐ŸŒธ
  • Greetings, I am away on maternity leave until [return date] and won't be available. For assistance, contact [alternate contact person]. ๐Ÿฆ‹

Taking a break for baby bonding doesn't mean leaving your contacts hanging. These out of office messages offer a harmonious balance of clarity and warmth for your maternity leave.

Professional Maternity Leave Email Notice

Heading out for maternity leave and want to keep it crisp and professional in your email notice? Fear not, my soon-to-be-parenting pals! You've got this. It's as easy as stealing candy from a babyโ€”except don't do that, because that's mean and weโ€™re all about spreading good vibes here.

  • ๐Ÿ“† "Hello, I'm currently on maternity leave until [Return Date]. Please contact [Alternative Contact] for assistance."
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ’ผ "Thank you for your email. I'm out of the office on maternity leave. For immediate help, email [Colleague's Email]."
  • ๐Ÿผ "I am away on maternity leave. For urgent matters, kindly reach out to [Alternative Contact]."
  • ๐Ÿคฐ "Iโ€™m on maternity leave until [Date]. For pressing inquiries, please contact [Alternative Contact]."
  • ๐Ÿ›‘ โ€œI'm out of office until [Return Date]. Please direct any queries to [Alternate Contact] in my absence.โ€
  • โœ‹ โ€œAs of [Start Date], I will be on maternity leave. Your email will not be forwarded. Please contact [Alternative].โ€
  • ๐ŸŒŸ โ€œThank you for reaching out. I am on maternity leave and will return on [Return Date].โ€
  • ๐Ÿ—“ "I'm on maternity leave until [Return Date]. All emails will be handled by [Alternative Contact]."
  • ๐Ÿ” "I am out of office for maternity leave. For assistance, please contact [Alternative Contact]."
  • โฐ "Thank you for your message. I am on maternity leave and will respond to emails after [Return Date]."
  • ๐Ÿ“ฌ "During my maternity leave from [Start Date] to [Return Date], please contact [Alternative]."
  • ๐Ÿšผ "I am on maternity leave until [Return Date]. If urgent, please email [Alternative Contact]."
  • ๐Ÿคฑ โ€œI am currently away on maternity leave. Your message is important to me and I will respond upon my return.โ€
  • ๐Ÿ“… "As I am on maternity leave, please direct queries to [Alternative Contact] until [Return Date]."
  • ๐Ÿ’ป "I will be on maternity leave and out of office until [Return Date]. Feel free to reach out to [Alternative Contact]."
  • ๐Ÿ•’ "Thank you for your email. I am currently on maternity leave and will return on [Return Date]."
  • ๐Ÿค— โ€œI'm taking some time for a new addition to the family and will be on maternity leave until [Return Date].โ€
  • ๐Ÿ“ "Please note that I am on maternity leave. Your email will be redirected to [Alternative Contact]."
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ‘ง "Iโ€™m on maternity leave and appreciate your understanding. For any assistance, contact [Alternative Contact]."
  • ๐Ÿ“ฅ "I am currently on maternity leave and will be back on [Return Date]. Please consult [Alternative Contact] for help."

Your well-crafted maternity leave email notice has got it covered while youโ€™re off embracing the joys (and poops โ€“ let's be real) of parenthood. So kick up those swollen feet. Youโ€™ve earned it!

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Setting Up Your Maternity Leave Email

Setting Up Your Maternity Leave Email.png

So, youโ€™re about to take a break because a tiny human is demanding an eviction from your belly โ€“ congrats! Letโ€™s set up that maternity leave email like a boss. Your inbox is about to be as quiet as it's ever gonna be with a newborn. Here's how to craft the perfect autoresponder:

  • ๐Ÿผ "Heading off to the world of diapers and blankets! I'll be on maternity leave until [return date]. For immediate assistance, please contact [colleague's name]."
  • ๐Ÿ“… "I'm out on maternity leave until [return date]. For pressing matters, please email [alternative contact]."
  • "Starting [leave start date], I'm on maternity leave. Reach out to [alternative contact] for help!"
  • "Thank you for your email. I'm currently on maternity leave and will return on [return date]."
  • "I'm away on maternity leave. Please direct your queries to [colleague's name] at [colleague's email]."
  • "Baby on board! I'm out of the office on maternity leave until [return date]."
  • "Out for baby cuddles! Iโ€™ll be back from maternity leave on [return date]."
  • "I'm out on maternity leave and will not be checking emails until [return date]."
  • "While I'm out on maternity leave, your emails are being forwarded to [colleague's name]."
  • "On maternity leave until [return date]. If urgent, please contact [colleague's name]."
  • "I am currently on maternity leave and will return to the office on [return date]."
  • "Hello! Iโ€™m on maternity leave and will return on [return date]. Please email [colleague's email] for assistance."
  • "Thank you for your message. Iโ€™m currently on leave awaiting the arrival of my baby and will return on [return date]."
  • "Iโ€™m currently out of the office on maternity leave. Please expect a delay in response until my return on [return date]."
  • "I'll be out on maternity leave until [return date]. Please refer to [colleague's name] at [colleague's email] for immediate needs."
  • "Thank you for emailing me. I'm on maternity leave and will respond to your email once I return on [return date]."
  • "I'm out for maternity leave. Your message is important to me. Contact [colleague's name] at [colleague's email] for assistance."
  • "I am currently cuddling with my new baby and will be back at work on [return date]."
  • "On maternity break until [return date]. For queries, kindly reach out to [colleague's name]."
  • "Iโ€™m on maternity leave with no access to email. Please contact [alternative contact] for urgent matters." Consider your autoresponder as the baby gate of your inbox. It's there to make sure only the important stuff gets through. Now, go enjoy those baby snuggles!

Example Maternity Leave Out of Office Replies

Maternity leave is here, and you're about to sign off from work for a beautiful journey! Need the perfect words for your out of office message? Copy-paste and vibe checkedโ€”these examples are all about making your away status known without skipping a beat.

  • "I'm on maternity leave until [return date]. For urgent matters, contact [alternative contact]. Cheers to new beginnings! ๐Ÿ‘ถ"
  • "Currently out nurturing the future. For assistance, please reach out to [colleague's name]."
  • "Hello! I'm away on maternity leave and will return on [date]. For immediate help, email [alternative email]."
  • "I am currently on maternity leave until [date]. For urgent inquiries, please contact [name] at [email]."
  • "Thank you for your message. I am on maternity leave until [date] and will reply upon my return."
  • "I'm out of the office on maternity leave. For assistance, please contact my colleague at [email]."
  • "Maternity leave mode: activated! Iโ€™ll respond to your email after [return date]."
  • "Hello! On baby duty until [date]. Please reach out to [name] at [email] for help."
  • "As I welcome my new baby, I will be out of the office until [date]. Please contact [name] for support."
  • "I'm on maternity leave and will not be checking emails until [return date]. For help, email [alternative contact]."
  • "Baby time is here! I'm out of the office on maternity leave until [date]."
  • "On leave nurturing new life. For immediate needs, please contact [colleague's name]."
  • "Out of the office: maternity chapter. For inquiries, please redirect to [alternative contact]."
  • "Maternity leave in progress! I'll be back on [return date]. Contact [name] for assistance."
  • "Thank you for your message. I'm on leave until [date] welcoming our newest family member."
  • "I'm on maternity break and will return on [date]. If you need help, [colleague's name] has got your back!"
  • "Currently out of office fulfilling the role of new mom. For urgent matters, please email [alternative contact]."
  • "Hello! I'm busy becoming a parent and will return on [date]. Need something? Email [alternative email]."
  • "I am out of office on maternity leave. Please expect a delay in response until my return on [date]."
  • "Thank you for reaching out. I'm on leave and will be back at [return date]. In my absence, please contact [name]."

Keep your email game strong, even when you're on baby watchโ€”these auto replies have got you covered!

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Crafting Your Maternity Leave Out of Office Reply

When you're welcoming a little bundle of joy into the world, the last thing you want to worry about is your inbox. Craft your maternity leave out of office reply just right, and you'll be able to bask in the glow of new motherhood without your email ping-pinging away.

  • ๐Ÿผ "Thanks for reaching out! I'm out on maternity leave until [Return Date]. For urgent matters, contact [Colleague's Name]."
  • "Greetings! I am currently on maternity leave until [Return Date]. If it's urgent, please email [Alternative Contact]."
  • "Hello! I'm off cuddling my new baby and will be back at work by [Return Date]. For assistance, please reach out to [Colleague's Name]."
  • "Thank you for your email. I'm away on maternity leave and will return on [Return Date]. My colleague [Name] will assist you."
  • "Hi there! I'm on leave welcoming my newborn. I'll be back on [Return Date]. [Colleague Name] can help you in my absence. Thanks!"
  • "I am out of the office on maternity leave until [Return Date]. Please redirect your queries to [Current Point of Contact]."
  • "Out of office alert! I am on maternity leave until [Return Date]. Please contact my amazing co-worker [Name] while I'm away."
  • ๐Ÿผ "I'm basking in the joy of motherhood and will return on [Return Date]. Please email [Colleague] for immediate help. Thank you!"
  • "Thanks for your email. I am currently on leave with my newborn until [Return Date] and will reply upon my return."
  • "Your message has reached me while I'm on maternity leave until [Return Date]. Your patience is appreciated. [Colleague Name] has got your back."
  • "I'm away on maternity leave until [Return Date]. Please feel free to reach out to my colleague [Name]. Have a great day!"
  • "Off for baby time! Out on maternity leave until [Return Date]. Urgent matters? Contact [Colleague Name]."
  • "I will be out of the office on maternity leave and returning on [Return Date]. [Colleague's Name] will handle my duties for now."
  • "I'm on a baby break! Please redirect your queries to [Colleague Name] while I'm out until [Return Date]."
  • "Hey there! On maternity leave until [Return Date]. [Name] will cover for me, don't hesitate to reach out. Cheers!"
  • ๐Ÿผ "I will answer when I am back from maternity leave on [Return Date]. Thank you for understanding. In the meantime, contact [Name]."
  • "This is a heads-up that I'll be on maternity leave until [Return Date]. [Name] will assist you in my absence."
  • "I'm off duty enjoying my maternity leave till [Return Date]. For anything urgent, [Colleague Name] will be at your service."
  • "Maternity leave has me away until [Return Date]. Feel free to reach out to [Contact Name] for anything you need!"
  • "Gone baby gone! I'm on my maternity break and will return on [Return Date]. Your patience is cherished, and [Name] can assist you."

Maternity leave is precious and should be worry-freeโ€”especially from work emails. These templates let you enjoy that time!

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Fun & Creative Maternity Leave Email Autoreplies

Fun  Creative Maternity Leave Email Autoreplies.png

Welcoming a new baby is like the ultimate 'Out of Office' reason, and your email autoreply should match that joy. Time to get crafty and maybe a little cheeky with your maternity leave autoresponder. Here's a bundle of funny and engaging messages that'll make your colleagues smile while you're out cuddling your bundle of joy!

  • ๐Ÿผ "I'm off on the most important project of my life: parenthood! Be back after my team member decides to sleep through the night."
  • ๐Ÿ˜ด "Gone to the land of diapers and lullabies. Email responses will be slower than my baby's crawl. Back soon!"
  • ๐Ÿผ "Out of office and into mommy mode. Will reply as soon as I come up for air!"
  • ๐Ÿ˜‚ "Currently assisting in a very 'tiny' takeover. Mom duties call, so emails are on pawsโ€”I mean pause."
  • ๐Ÿฃ "I'm on a temporary gig featuring unpredictable hours, zero pay, but priceless rewards. Maternity leave is on!"
  • ๐ŸŽ  "Round and round the baby carousel we go! I'll jump off and back into the email game soon."
  • ๐Ÿฆธโ™€๏ธ "I've assumed my ultimate role as Super Mom! Unfortunately, my superpower isn't answering emails quickly. Back soon!"
  • ๐Ÿ’ผ "I've swapped my office desk for a rocking chair. Please be patient; I'll be back in action eventually!"
  • ๐Ÿ‘ถ "Doing the milk-and-cuddles routine full-time. Will get back to you when I'm back on 9-5 duty!"
  • โš–๏ธ "I'm currently balancing a baby on one arm and learning not to use email with the other. Out until further notice!"
  • ๐ŸŒŸ "Turns out my new boss is quite demanding and super small! On maternity leave; will return emails ASAP."
  • ๐Ÿ’ค "Shh... Baby and I are both napping. Will respond to emails in... zzz."
  • ๐ŸŒฑ "Growing a human is hard work. I'm taking some time off for plant... I mean, child cultivation. Back soon!"
  • ๐Ÿคฑ "Breastfeeding and email don't mix well. Will reply once we've figured out this latching thing."
  • ๐Ÿคธโ™€๏ธ "I'm out leaping into motherhood! Emails will have to wait until my feetโ€”even if baby-sizedโ€”are back on the ground."
  • ๐ŸŽˆ "My out-of-office adventure begins. If urgent, re-send your email in a couple of months!"
  • ๐Ÿงธ "In the season finale of 'Pregnant at Work', I'm taking time off for the sequel, 'Life with Baby'. Stay tuned for my return!"
  • ๐Ÿ™‰ "Listening to lullabies on repeat has temporarily drowned out my inbox. Back after my ears recover!"
  • ๐ŸŽ "Unboxing my newest delivery (and it's not from Amazon)! Will reply when we're done with the unboxing video."
  • ๐Ÿ”‹ "On maternity leave, recharging my Mom battery. My email will get a jolt of energy when I'm back." Crafting the perfect out-of-office message for maternity leave doesn't have to be a snoozefest. Spice it up and enjoy your baby's first hellos while everyone gets a kick out of your email goodbyes!

How to Communicate Your Maternity Leave to Colleagues

So youโ€™re about to embrace the joyful chaos of motherhood? Congrats! ๐Ÿ‘ถ But hey, don't leave your colleagues guessing where you've vanished to! Hereโ€™s how to nail that maternity leave auto message with pizzazz and grace.

  • Hey team! As I embark on the journey of motherhood, I'll be out of office starting [date]. Catch you on the flip side! ๐Ÿผ
  • Temporarily trading in spreadsheets for swaddles! On maternity leave until [date]. For urgent matters, contact [name]. ๐Ÿ“…
  • Attention work fam! Baby watch officially begins [date]. Iโ€™ll be on maternity leave and back to business on [date]. ๐ŸŽ‰
  • Greetings, colleagues! From [start date] to [end date], I'm on maternity leave. [Name] has my back while I'm away. ๐Ÿค
  • Guess whatโ€™s brewing besides the office coffee? My maternity leave! Kicking off [date]. Contact [name] for work stuff. โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ถ
  • Autoreply ON: Out nurturing a new life until [return date]. Reach out to [name] for assistance. ๐Ÿ‘ฃ
  • Out Of Office: Baby duty calls! Maternity leave is in effect from [start date] through [end date]. ๐Ÿผ
  • Hatchin' a baby, not emails! I'm on maternity leave until [return date]. [Name] is your go-to in the interim. ๐Ÿฃ
  • On a small sabbatical to welcome my little one. Back to my desk sometime after [return date]. Stay awesome! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • Office update: Iโ€™m off the grid, baby-bound from [start date] to [end date]. Keep the fort standing! โš”๏ธ
  • Catch you on the next chapter! Maternity leave begins now and I'll be back in action after [return date]. ๐Ÿ“š
  • Out of the loop until [return date] for maternity leave. Please redirect your queries to [name]. ๐Ÿ”„
  • Maternity mode activated! From [start date], I'll be out. In my absence, [name] is the hero without a cape. ๐Ÿฆธโ™€๏ธ
  • Taking a brief intermission for baby snuggles. Returning to work on [return date]. ๐Ÿค—
  • Gearing up for diaper dutyโ€”I'm on maternity leave until [return date]. Until then, [name]'s got my duties. ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿผ
  • Waving a temporary goodbye to my work family, maternity leave starts [date]. [Name] is stepping up in my place! ๐Ÿ‘‹
  • Collecting baby giggles for a bit! I'm on maternity leave starting [date]. Questions? Ask [name]. ๐Ÿ˜„
  • Crafting the next chapter as a new mom. On leave from [start date], back to emails by [return date]. ๐Ÿ“˜
  • Gone for maternity leave! Counting baby toes until [return date]. For assistance, dial in [name]. ๐Ÿฆถ
  • Operating at newborn time until [return date]. For office matters, sync up with [name]. ๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ

So, go on and claim your well-deserved baby time without leaving your team in a work-panic. Just swipe one of these crafted messages and you're golden! No more awkward work-email check-ins while you're owning the mom-game. ๐Ÿ†

Crafting Auto Replies for Extended Maternity Leave

So, you're about to welcome a new tiny human and need to set up that maternity leave out of office message, huh? Well, it's your lucky day! We've got cute, professional, and straightforward auto-reply templates to make sure your coworkers and contacts know you're away for the baby parade without a set return date.

  • ๐Ÿผ On a super exciting adventure called 'motherhood'! I'll be on maternity leave until further notice. Thanks for your understanding.
  • ๐Ÿ“… Greetings! I'm temporarily out of the office on maternity leave. Please be aware that I will not have a return date until further notice.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ถ Out nurturing the next CEO! I'm on extended maternity leave and will respond to your email upon my return.
  • โค๏ธ Hi there! I'm on leave, bonding with my newborn. My return date is TBD, but your message is important to me!
  • ๐Ÿ’ผ I am on leave for maternity. As I focus on my growing family, please note that I don't have a definitive return date.
  • ๐Ÿ’Œ Thanks for your email. I'm currently out of the office on maternity leave and will reply once I'm back and settled.
  • ๐Ÿšผ My little one has arrived, and I'm on maternity leave for a while. I appreciate your patience and understanding.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ช On maternity leave. For immediate assistance, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Email/Phone Number].
  • ๐ŸŒผ Thanks for reaching out! I'm currently on maternity leave. Your message will not go unanswered, just delayed.
  • ๐Ÿฃ Baby and I are on an adventure! Out of office, no set return date. Please direct urgent inquiries to [Name/Contact].
  • ๐Ÿ“ฌ I'm on maternity leave until the stork flies home. For now, please reach out to [Contact Name] for assistance.
  • โœจ Maternity leave mode: ON. Return date: Good question! I'll update you when I can. Meanwhile, contact [Name] at [Email].
  • ๐Ÿฆ‹ Away in babyland and on maternity leave. No return date yet, but your messages are safe in my inbox!
  • ๐Ÿคฑ Taking time for baby steps! I am on maternity leave and will not have a return date for the time being.
  • ๐ŸŽˆ Currently out of the office celebrating a new arrival! Return date is up in the air, but feel free to email [Alternative Contact].
  • ๐ŸŒบ Out of office for baby cuddles. No set date for my return yet, but I'll get back to you when possible.
  • ๐Ÿ’• New parent alert! I'm on maternity leave. Contact [Name] with urgent matters at [Email/Phone Number].
  • ๐Ÿผ Sorry, I'm out of commission and on maternity leave. No definite return day. Please contact [Name] at [Email] for help.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ Extended maternity leave for me! Don't know when I'll be back, but [Name] can handle your needs at [Contact Info].
  • ๐Ÿค On maternity leave for the foreseeable future. For important stuff, email [Name] who's covering for me at [Email].

Your out-of-office message is like a promise ring to your work โ€“ it says you'll be back... eventually. Keep it friendly, keep it professional, and hey, why not make it a tad whimsical? You're not just off the grid; you're off on one life's greatest adventures!

Professional Out of Office Messages During Maternity Leave

Professional Out of Office Messages During Maternity Leave.png

Hey there! If you're about to clock out for baby time, let's get you prepped with snazzy out of office replies that won't leave your contacts hanging. Keep it short, sweet, and oh-so-professional with these templates.

  • "Thank you for your email. I'm currently on maternity leave until [date]. For immediate assistance, please contact [name] at [email]. ๐Ÿผ"
  • "Hello! I am out of the office on maternity leave until [return date]. For urgent matters, please reach out to [alternative contact]."
  • "I appreciate your message. I'm on maternity leave until [date] and will not be available. Please direct your inquiry to [colleague's name]."
  • "Thank you for reaching out. I'm on maternity leave and expect to return on [date]. Please contact [name] at [email] in my absence."
  • "Hi, your email has been received. I am currently on maternity leave until [date]. For assistance, please email [alternative contact]."
  • "Greetings! I'm out of the office for maternity leave through [date]. [Colleague's name] will assist you in my stead. ๐Ÿคฑ"
  • "Thank you for your email. I am on maternity leave until [date] and will not be checking emails. If urgent, please contact [name]."
  • "I'm currently on maternity leave and expect to return [date]. For support, please email [colleague] at [email]. Thanks!"
  • "Hello, thanks for your email. I'm on maternity leave and will return by [date]. Please redirect any immediate concerns to [name]."
  • "Currently away on maternity leave until [date]. Please contact [colleague's name], who will be happy to assist you. ๐Ÿฃ"
  • "As of [start date], I'm on maternity leave with a return anticipated around [date]. Please reach out to [name] for help."
  • "Thanks for getting in touch. I'm out on maternity leave but will be back on [date]. [Colleague's name] can assist you at [email]. ๐Ÿ˜Š"
  • "Hello! I won't be available due to maternity leave until [date]. Your message is important, so please contact [name]."
  • "I'm taking some time off for maternity leave. I'll be back and ready to respond on [date]. For urgent needs, contact [colleague]."
  • "Thank you for emailing me. I'm currently on maternity break and will return on [date]. [Name] can assist you during my leave. ๐ŸŒธ"
  • "Currently out of the office on maternity leave until [date], your email will not be forwarded. Contact [colleague] for urgent matters."
  • "Greetings! I'm away on maternity leave and will be back around [date]. For any issues, [colleague's name] will be taking over my duties."
  • "I am currently on maternity leave until [date]. For any urgent matters, please redirect your queries to [alternative contact]."
  • "Your message has been received, but I am out on maternity leave until [date]. Please reach out to [name] at [email]."
  • "On maternity leave until [date]. Thanks for your understanding. Your inquiries will be taken care of by [colleague]." Back to work panic? Nuh-uh, not you! With these replies, you're all set to welcome your new bundle of joy! ๐ŸŽ‰

Informing Clients of Your Maternity Leave

When it's time to welcome a new bundle of joy into your life, keeping your clients in the loop is key. Read on and choose the perfect message to inform them that you'll be on maternity leave before you're out counting baby fingers and toes.

  • ๐Ÿ“… "Thank you for reaching out. I am currently on maternity leave until [return date]. Please contact [name] at [email] for assistance. Best regards!"
  • "Hello! I'm away on maternity leave until [return date]. I'll be sure to get back to you once I return. Thanks for your understanding!"
  • "Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office for maternity leave and will return on [return date]. In my absence, please contact [name]."
  • "As I welcome a new member to the family, I will be on maternity leave until [return date]. For immediate assistance, email [colleague's email]."
  • "Hi! I'm on maternity leave and wonโ€™t be available until [return date]. For urgent matters, please write to [alternate contact]. Thanks!"
  • ๐Ÿผ "Greetings! I'm currently on maternity leave and look forward to addressing your email when I return on [date]. Please reach out to [alternative contact] during this period."
  • "Thanks for reaching out. I am on maternity leave until [return date]. If you need assistance, please contact [colleague's email or phone]."
  • "Hello, I'm out on maternity leave until [return date] and will not be checking emails. For assistance, please contact [name] at [email]. Thank you!"
  • "I appreciate your message. As of now, I am on maternity leave and will return on [return date]. Please forward all inquiries to [colleague's name]."
  • ๐ŸŒŸ "This auto-reply is to notify that I am on maternity leave until [return date]. For any urgent issues, please contact [name] at [email]. Thank you for your patience!"
  • "I will be out of the office on maternity leave until [return date] and will have limited access to my email. For immediate assistance, please contact [colleague's name]."
  • "Your message is important to us. I am on maternity leave until [return date]. Please redirect your queries to [name] at [email]."
  • "As I'm currently on maternity leave, I will not be able to respond immediately. Please contact [name] at [email] who will be happy to assist you."
  • "I am on maternity leave from [start date] to [end date]. Your email will not be forwarded. For urgent matters, contact [colleague's name]."
  • ๐Ÿคฑ "Out on maternity leave until [return date]. Your emails are important to me and will be responded to after my return. For assistance, contact [name]."
  • "While I'm away on maternity leave until [return date], I trust [colleague's name] to handle your needs. They can be reached at [email]."
  • "Thank you for emailing. I am out of the office on maternity leave and will return on [return date]. Please contact [name] at [email] for help in the interim."
  • "I am on maternity leave with a return date of [return date]. For anything urgent, my colleague [name] will take care of you at [email]."
  • "During my maternity leave from [start date] until [return date], please refer all inquiries to [colleague's email]."
  • "Currently on maternity leave until [return date]. For assistance, please direct your queries to [name, email, or phone]. Thank you!"

Coming back to an inbox that's not bursting at the seams is the dream, right? Use these templates to make sure it's a reality!

Preparing Out of Office Template for Maternity Break

Embarking on your maternity journey requires planning, not just for the baby room but for your inbox too! Let's get crafty with some snazzy out-of-office message templates that announce your break with style and efficiency. ๐Ÿ’Œโœจ

  • "Off on a grand adventure called 'motherhood'! Will be out until [return date]. For urgent matters, contact [coworker's name]."
  • "Thanks for your email! I'm currently on maternity leave until [date]. Please reach out to [name] at [email] for assistance."
  • "Maternity duties call! Iโ€™ll be away until [return date]. For immediate help, email [alternate contact]."
  • "Baby on board! ๐Ÿผ Out of office until [date]. For urgent issues, [colleague] will assist you."
  • "Greetings! I'm out on maternity leave until [date]. [Coworker] will hold the fort in my absence."
  • "Out of the office on baby watch duty until [return date]. [Name] is your go-to in the meantime."
  • "Taking a pause for parenting. I'll return on [date]. In my absence, please contact [colleague's name & email]."
  • "Currently out bonding with my newborn. Please direct your queries to [colleague's name], who's covering for me."
  • "I am currently out on maternity leave until [return date]. Please redirect any urgent matters to [name, email]."
  • "๐Ÿ‘ถ Mama in the making! Out of office until [return date]. Your queries are in good hands with [coworker's name]."
  • "On maternity leave 'til [date]. If you need assistance, [alternate contact] is your person!"
  • "๐Ÿคฐ Taking time to welcome a new life. Off work till [date]. For help, please contact [name] at [contact info]."
  • "Hello! Out on leave for baby's arrival until [date]. [Name] will help you out, reach them at [email]."
  • "Currently on maternity leave. I plan to return on [date]. Meanwhile, [colleague's name] will handle my duties."
  • "Expecting my own little project to deliver soon! Out until [date]. For urgent work, contact [alternate contact]."
  • "Away on maternity leave. I'll be back and responding to emails on [return date]. For assistance, please reach out to [person]."
  • "Iโ€™m out on maternity leave, baby stepping back on [return date]. Till then, [colleague] has the con."
  • "On leave awaiting my bundle of joy until [date]. For pressing matters, [alternate contact] can assist you."
  • "I'm out on maternity leave until [date]. For immediate support, my colleague [name] is available at [email]."
  • "Maternity leave in progress! Will return to the office on [date]. Contact [alternate contact] for anything urgent."

Hey, look at you! You're all set with some adorable and professional out-of-office messages for your maternity break. Just a quick edit of the dates, and you're good to go. Here's to a beautiful break with your little one!

Adding Personal Touch to Maternity Leave Messages

Adding Personal Touch to Maternity Leave Messages.png

Hey there, your out-of-office message doesn't have to sound like a robot took over your job while you're away nurturing new life. Time to sprinkle some personality in there! Here are 20 templates to keep it personal:

  • "Hi! ๐Ÿผ I'm off on the beautiful journey of motherhood. For urgent matters, reach out to [Contact Name]."
  • "I'm on maternity leave basking in baby bliss. Be back soon. For help, email [Contact Name]. ๐ŸŒผ"
  • "Out of office? Yup! Out of touch with my little one? Never! For business things, contact [Contact Name]. ๐Ÿ‘ถ"
  • "I'm currently getting the hang of parenting! Iโ€™ll be back [Return Date]. If you need immediate assistance, contact [Contact Name]. ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ‘ง"
  • "Hey, I'm wrapped up in burp cloths until [Return Date]. Reach out to [Contact Name] for urgency!"
  • "Maternity mode: ON. Work mode: see you after [Return Date]. Hit up [Contact Name] for work stuff. ๐Ÿผ"
  • "Baby and I are enjoying some quiet time. For work-related queries, ping [Contact Name]."
  • "I'm out on maternity leave until [Return Date]. If you need assistance, [Contact Name] is your go-to guru."
  • "๐Ÿ‘‹ Taking a break to welcome my newborn into the world. [Contact Name] will assist you in my absence."
  • "๐Ÿ›Œ Resting and recharging with my new bundle of joy. For immediate assistance, [Contact Name] has you covered."
  • "On leave nurturing a new human. For immediate business concerns, connect with [Contact Name]."
  • "Diapers and lullabies on repeat until [Return Date]. In my absence, please contact [Contact Name]. ๐ŸŽถ"
  • "Cuddles over emails until [Return Date]! Reach out to [Contact Name] for urgent matters."
  • "๐Ÿผ Feeding times replace meeting times for now. For help, [Contact Name]'s your person."
  • "Mama bear in hibernation with my cub 'til [Return Date]. Need something? [Contact Name] will help out! ๐Ÿป"
  • "Zooming into motherhood, back to work after [Return Date]. Till then, find [Contact Name] for assistance."
  • "On a tiny human adventure! For work stuff, forward to [Contact Name]. Back on [Return Date]."
  • "Taking some time to be with my best tiny creationโ€”back on [Return Date]. For help, [Contact Name] is there for you."
  • "Exchanging office for nursery until [Return Date]. Direct urgent matters to [Contact Name]. ๐Ÿฃ"
  • "Engaging in the world's toughest job - motherhood! [Contact Name] will cover for me. See you after [Return Date]." Keep these messages in your back pocket, and you'll leave a warm, fuzzy feeling in your colleague's inbox, reminding them you're not just an employee, but a new parent bathed in joy (and maybe a little spit-up).

Establishing Email Forwarding During Maternity Leave

Let's cut to the chase: You're about to be out of the office, embracing the miracle of life, and you need to keep your email world from falling apart. Easy-peasy! We're setting up automatic email forwarding and letting your clients know you're on maternity leave. Here are 20 super-helpful maternity leave email forwarding messages:

  • "Greetings! Iโ€™ll be on maternity leave until [return date]. For assistance, please email [Forwarding Email Address]. ๐Ÿผ"
  • "Hello! I'm on maternity break ๐Ÿคฑ. Please forward urgent emails to [Alternate Contact]."
  • "Hi there! Maternity leave calls ๐Ÿ“ž! Reach out to my colleague [Name] at [Forwarding Email Address]."
  • "Currently out on maternity leave. For immediate help, email [Alternate Contact]."
  • "Out of the office for baby time ๐Ÿผ! [Name] will assist you at [Forwarding Email Address]."
  • "Thanks for your email. I'm on maternity leave until [date]. Please contact [Alternate Email]."
  • "I'm on maternity leave. For sales inquiries, email [Forwarding Email Address]. โ˜บ"
  • "Awaiting our tiny addition ๐Ÿ‘ถ! For queries, redirect to [Alternate Contact]."
  • "On maternity leave. For support, my teammate [Name] can help at [Forwarding Email Address]."
  • "Maternity leave has begun! [Name] is covering for me at [Forwarding Email Address]."
  • "Hi! I wonโ€™t be checking emails until [return date]. [Name] at [Forwarding Email Address] will help."
  • "Maternity leave mode: ON. ๐Ÿ“ด For assistance, contact [Alternate Email]."
  • "Out for baby duties! ๐Ÿผ [Name] will take care of your needs at [Forwarding Email Address]."
  • "My out-of-office is up until [return date] for maternity leave. Email [Alternate Contact]."
  • "I'm on leave for our new arrival. ๐Ÿผ Please email [Alternate Email] for urgent issues."
  • "Maternity leave is here. For customer service, please email [Forwarding Email Address]."
  • "Hello, Iโ€™m out on maternity leave. For general inquiries, contact [Alternate Contact]."
  • "Babies wait for no one! ๐Ÿผ For help, reach out to [Name] at [Forwarding Email Address]."
  • "Currently away for maternity leave. For partnerships, email [Alternate Contact]."
  • "Dear sender, Iโ€™m on maternity leave. Your message has been forwarded to [Alternate Email]."

You've now got a toolkit of messages that will keep your email world spinning while you're away. You can focus on your little one, knowing everything else is covered. Go on, enjoy your maternity leave without worry!

Paternity Leave Out of Office Message Variants

Hey soon-to-be dads, gearing up for diaper duty? Crafting that perfect out of office message is as crucial as assembling the crib. You need to let people know you're out and about on baby time, not email time. Let's get those creative juices flowing with these templates!

  • "๐Ÿ‘ถ I'm on paternity leave until [return date]. For anything urgent, contact [colleague's name]. Iโ€™ll get back to you once Iโ€™ve got diaper changing down to an art!"
  • "Out of office: Paternity leave in full swing! I'll be back, rejuvenated, and responding to emails by [return date]."
  • "Currently out of the office on paternity leave. If your matter is urgent, please email [colleague's email]. Otherwise, I'll reply once I'm back [return date]."
  • "Thanks for your email. I'm currently on paternity leave with limited access to my email until [return date]."
  • "๐Ÿผ Baby time! On paternity leave until [return date]. [Alternative contact] has my baton for now."
  • "Gone fishing... for baby cuddles! ๐ŸŸ On paternity leave until [return date] and will respond when I return."
  • "Awaiting the arrival of my mini-me! On paternity leave, I'll return to my emails on [return date]."
  • "Out of the digital world and into the dad zone. Paternity leave is on until [return date]. Contact [alternative contact] for emergencies!"
  • "๐Ÿšผ In baby land! Currently on paternity leave, will be back in action on [return date]."
  • "[Auto-reply] Paternity edition: I'm out until [return date]. Reach out to [contact] for immediate needs."
  • "Out of Office Alert: New dad in training until [return date]."
  • "Diaper duty calls! Iโ€™m on paternity leave and wonโ€™t be checking emails until [return date]."
  • "Currently helping the stork with a special delivery! On paternity leave, back on [return date]."
  • "Thank you for your email! I'm on paternity leave and will get back to you after [return date]. Until then, [colleague's name] can help you out!"
  • "Work's paused, but dad duty's not! On paternity leave until [return date], talk to [colleague's name] for urgent stuff."
  • "Fatherhood: Level 1 has begun. I'm out for paternity leave until [return date]. For assistance, please email [colleague's email]."
  • "Be right back, changing the world one diaper at a time! Out on paternity leave until [return date]."
  • "๐Ÿš€ Launching into fatherhood! Currently out of the office on paternity leave until [return date]."
  • "I'm at the dad dojo till [return date]. For any work-related matters, please reach out to [colleague's email]."
  • "Please note: Dad mode activated! Out on paternity leave until [return date], your patience is appreciated."

Dads, remember, taking time off for your newborn is a grand adventure. Use these templates, and enjoy every moment!

Maternity Leave Out of Office Best Practices

Maternity Leave Out of Office Best Practices.png

Stepping out for a bit to welcome a new bundle of joy? Your out of office message matters! Itโ€™s the virtual memo pad that tells your colleagues, "Iโ€™m off being awesome, creating human life. Be back later!" ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿฝโœจ Here are 20 crafted messages to ensure you communicate this fab news effectively!

  • "Iโ€™m on maternity leave until [Date]. For urgent matters, contact [Name/Email]. Baby and I will see you soon!"
  • "Thank you for your email. Iโ€™m currently out on maternity leave until [Date]. Please reach out to [Name/Email] for assistance."
  • "Hi there! I'm away on maternity leave until [Date]. All emails will be unattended until then. For immediate help, please email [Name]."
  • "I'm off the grid, cuddling a new little one until [Date]. If you need help, please email [Name] at [Email]."
  • "Hello! Iโ€™m out on maternity leave. Expect delayed responses until [Date]. For urgent matters, please contact [Name]."
  • "Currently on maternity leave. Iโ€™ll be back and buzzing on [Date]. In my absence, [Name/Email] will assist you."
  • "Thank you for your email. I am out on maternity leave until [Date], and I will respond upon my return!"
  • "I am currently on maternity leave. If your matter is urgent, [Name] will be your go-to at [Email]."
  • "I am out on maternity leave until [Date]. I wonโ€™t be checking emails, so please contact [Name/Email]."
  • "Out for baby duty! I'll be back in the office on [Date]. For pressing issues, please email [Name]."
  • "Maternity leave means responding slower than my new baby crawls! Iโ€™ll reply after [Date]. Urgent? Email [Name]."
  • "โ€˜Out of Officeโ€™ update: Gone baby-gone until [Date]. Hit up [Name/Email] for anything you need!"
  • "On maternity break! If this is urgent, you may want to reach out to [Name] instead at [Email]."
  • "I'm on maternity leave and will respond to your email when I return on [Date]. For immediate concerns, [Name] is your person!"
  • "Away from [Start Date] to [End Date] on maternity leave. For assistance in my absence, please contact [Name/Email]."
  • "Baby on board! ๐Ÿšผ Out of office until [Date]. In my stead, [Name] will handle queries at [Email]."
  • "Maternity leave is calling, and I must go! Back on [Date]. Urgent stuff? Ping [Name] at [Email]."
  • "Thanks for emailing! I'm on maternity leave until [Date] but your message is important. For quick help, [Name] at [Email] has the reins."
  • "I'll be away on maternity leave from [Start Date] and wonโ€™t be available until [End Date]. Please connect with [Name] at [Email]."
  • "Currently on maternity timeout! I'll tackle emails once I'm back on [Date]. Meanwhile, [Name] will take charge at [Email]." Your maternity leave out of office message is the mic-drop moment that says, "Iโ€™m out, but things are in control." Keep it clear, concise, and informative โ€“ like you're excelling at both motherhood and email etiquette! ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ